Wednesday, November 7, 2007


There are topics to which I warm easily, ideas or stories from the scriptures that I love & embrace, concepts defined clearly in my mind, things about which I am comfortable in sharing my views & experiences. However today’s thoughts do not cover such a topic. I was frankly glad that I did not have to speak this month on receiving personal revelation & the Holy Ghost. This is a concept about which I have pondered & yet still find myself lacking. How do I even begin? Now don’t misunderstand I know that the Holy Ghost is at work in my life. I love to feel & witness its fruits. I believe that I am able in most instances to recognize his presence. Where I struggle is interpreting the emotions he brings.

True learning, the kind that becomes part of you, requires effort & usually involves making mistakes. The most challenging thing that I believe I have ever had to learn was how to speak Spanish. Every missionary I knew had a story to tell about an inadvertent verbal faux pas committed while stumbling through our first efforts to communicate in a truly foreign tongue. Experiences like the sister who in testimony meeting announced that she was pregnant rather than embarrassed, the Elder who’s intent was to praise a fresh coat of ceiling paint not the matron’s chest. A man asked to feel instead of sit or my personal experience inquiring of the grocer where he kept his private “balls” when I meant to ask about the eggs. It is unrealistic to believe that one may learn any language without stuttering from time to time.

While reflecting on my relationship with God & specifically his messenger, I recognized at least 3 types of direct personal communication. In all cases God speaks through the Holy Ghost. He, the Holy Ghost, manifests Gods will as a Comforter, a Testator and as a Revelator. I believe that all men have at sometime felt Gods love. They have been warmed by the hope of Christ. Although my life has been comparatively free of suffering I have like so many others turned to the Lord for comfort & assurance that all will be well & that this to shall pass. I cherish the memory of those emotions, the peace. That peace can only come from a loving heavenly father; it is a gift to be had freely if we but ask in faith. In St John 15:26 Christ promises that “when the Comforter is come… he shall testify of me.” In response to Simon Peters affirmation of His divinity the Lord explains that “flesh & blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my father which is in heaven.” In someway large or small all members have received a witness from the Holy Ghost building or beginning their testimony. In my own life I believe that this is the most prevalent manifestation of the Spirit, testifying of the reality, divinity & life of the Savior. His witness often comes during a hymn, while praying, listening to my local or international church leaders. I feel that confirmation while reading the scriptures, attending the temple & when I think of my eternal marriage. I am a lucky lucky man.

Most often we can know if a thought or idea is from God by asking & acting. We prayerfully, sincerely ask for the desired conformation of our righteous desires then we proceed in faith. Elder Robert D. Hales reminded us in last conference that “Revelation comes on the Lords timetable, which often means we must move forward in faith, even though we haven’t received all the answers we desire.” Sometimes I feel like one of the little cars at Disneyland. The ones where your course is predetermined by the metal bar going down the middle of the road, you can steer but despite your skill or ineptitude you eventually smash into the bar and get jolted back in the right direction. Or kind of like a bowling ball rolling down a lane w/ kiddy bumpers, the course may be drunken but you get there in the end. I feel like the Lord gives us a little something, enough to get started then stands back and watches to see what / how we will do. The part of heavenly communication that I struggle with the most is interpret ting correctly feelings or inspiration which require action. The more immediate the prompting the harder it is. I fully realize that this is a problem with me. It is not a problem with God changing his mode of operation just to confuse me. My weakness, humanity & fears combine to hedge up my way. Continuing to quote Elder Hales “We prepare to receive personal revelation as the prophets do, by studying the scriptures, fasting, praying, and by building faith. Faith is the key. ...By unwavering faith, we learn for ourselves that “it is by faith that miracles are wrought.””

By self inflicted embarrassment I learned & never forgot the distinct words for “balls” and eggs. I have to trust that I can with help likewise learn to distinguish between my thoughts, the devils conniving & the Lords promptings. I can with faith, patience & persistence learn the Lords language. A language I hope to use more & more frequently in the future. I am grateful for the bumpers & guide rails.

For what it’s worth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ryan, you express your thoughts beautifully, and have some very profound insights. Love the bumper car and bowling ball analogies. thanks for your thoughts, and for sharing your testimony and your faith. Love, Mom O.