Friday, February 6, 2009

Stop the bailouts!!

i sent the following to our state representitives in washington this morning.

For what it's worth.

Stop the “bailout”!!!!!

I don’t know how anyone can even call it that with a straight face. No more discretional spending of my tax dollars! No more borrowing. If business has made poor decisions they deserve to fail. Likewise if you as our elected officials have made poor decisions you deserve to fail & be replaced. In either case wise prudent men & women will be ready to pick up the pieces & move forward. If you truly wish to save our financial system & ultimately our Nation, you must limit spending!!!!! No good will ever come of extended interest payments & deficit spending. Look at where it has gotten us. Your collective greed & spinelessness has produced a financial system that can no longer stand. We are on the verge of an inflationary period unlike any other ever experienced in our history. You have tripled the amount of money in circulation in less than 6 months. Yet the economy continues to slide. The efforts to revive it by inciting more irrational spending among consumers with a quick influx of cash have failed. Why should I believe that yet more money will have any greater effect?

Truly, tough times do call for tougher action. Are any of you capable of taking that tough action? Are you willing and able to cut spending by cutting programs, popular programs, especially those promoted so heavily by the lobbyists & special interest groups? Are you willing to bring home all our troops, use them to defend our physical borders thus balancing the budget, protecting us both physically & financially? Do you have the courage to stand up to the bankers and the FED, to take back control of our money, to bring monetary policy back to its constitutional roots, back to Congress? Do you have the integrity to limit your own tendency towards pet projects? Will you tie total government spending, every single dollar that leaves the national treasury, to gross domestic product?

You must, for the good of the Nation & our posterity, bind government’s hands. You must take from yourselves the power to over spend, regardless of the reason or circumstance. We simply cannot spend what we do not have. You cannot spend your way out of debt, not individually nor as a Nation.




1 comment:

Tammie said...

I could not agree with you more baby! I'm so glad you are trying to be proactive and make your voice be heard! If everyone who felt strongly about freedom where to do the same thing maybe we wouldn't be in this mess!

Love you so much!!!!