Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Patrick Henry...... Today.
“…it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren, (in mythology a siren is an evil mermaid) till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and to provide for it.
I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.”
Am I the only one to find that insightful? Don’t we all at some point “indulge in illusions of hope” or “shut our eyes against a painful truth”? I would like for a moment to use history to analyze the economic state of our nation & venture an opinion of the future.
A Fiat currency is any monetary system where the medium of exchange is not backed by something of intrinsic value. It can be gold, silver, diamonds or land, anything which cannot readily be reproduced or forged. Our Dollar, like most currencies around the world, is a Fiat currency. This style of monetary system has been tried repeatedly over many years, in all parts of the world, by all types of governments. The Chinese & Mongols tried as did, among others, the Romans and Germans. It has in every case failed miserably. Because there is no physical limit or check on how much can be printed, every nation inevitably deludes their economy with so much money that the currency looses its value. Trust in the currency is lost & the market crashes. This crash always results in a new currency & many times is accompanied by a new form of government. The question is are we, can we, as Americans be the exception to the rule?
I understand that up until about 4 months ago the average number of US Dollars in circulation was approximately 800 billion. Anyone know what it is today? When you add up the FORCED bank bailouts, the purchase of a controlling share of AIG, the economic stimulus packages and all the other hokey spending decisions, the number of available dollars is well over 2 trillion. In the last several weeks the amount of money in circulation has tripled. And they are talking about adding more.
There are soooo many problems with what is being done to our money and the way it is being done. But the one which will directly affect each of our lives in the not far distant future is inflation, HUGE, RAPID inflation. Look at it like this, the amount of products and services available for purchase has not changed. Yet the amount of dollars available to spend on those same products has tripled. Sooner or later someone will be able and willing to pay 3 times as much for the same item. Think about all of the products imported from Asia & elsewhere. Our money supply increases yet theirs remains constant. What does that do to our ability to purchase their products? In order to maintain a fair balance in trade they must of necessity increase prices. The price we pay for every item across the board will rise. Our cost of living will likely double or worse. We cannot now change it, the die has already been cast. Although currently low, due to supply & demand issues of both product & money, prices will rise drastically. Wages will not rise equally nor simultaneously. Real wages (wage adjusted for inflation) are among the lowest levels in more than 50 years. Inflation does not help the average Joe. Our standard of living, the way we live our lives is about to change.
These events were knowingly or otherwise set in motion nearly a hundred years ago when in December of 1913 the Federal Reserve act was passed. This act created a system of government accepted private banks known as the Federal Reserve System. It also transferred the power to coin money & regulate its supply to this same unaccountable private organization. A strict interpretation of the Constitution of the United States would consider this action Unconstitutional. President Woodrow Willson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. He later lamented,
“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country…. The growth of the nation … and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
I believe it to be imperative for us as responsible citizens to know & understand these things. We cannot effect positive change in the direction of our nation without knowledge. I echo the words of Patrick Henry, “For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and to provide for it.”Be watchful, be aware & most of all be prepared.
In all of this there is a ray of hope. God is in control, our days will not be numbered less. He is watching over us, will protect us & see us through, come what may. Further, there are prophecies which promise that this, the greatest of all nations, will not fall. It will be preserved, upheld and even rescued. As you prepare and make the necessary physical changes to ready yourself and your family for the pending crisis. Search your soul, identify what part you may be asked to play in the rescue of the Constitution & prepare for that as well.
For What it’s Worth
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
How can anyone say the media is not biased?
In essence this was my reply.
Kinda obvious isn't it.
I am not sure that Palin's involvement is enough to capture my vote but I know I don't like the extreeme solcialist views of Obama.
I have developed a strong dislike for the "lesser of evils” concept with which we (me included) have justified past votes. Evil is still evil, wrong is still wrong. Voting for the lesser of evils is still a vote for evil & Satan wins another round. As long as we settle for less than what we desire we will never change the face of American politics and we will continue our accelerating slide into a totalitarian socialist state.
If you are planning to vote for Mcain because you believe him & agree with his policies? Great, I support you in your decision.
If however you are leaning toward the republican ticket out of habit or because you do not see another option, may I respectively suggest that you look at either the Libertarian or Constitutional party Candidate. Either of these Men appear to have a belief system closer to my own & their voting record seems to be more in keeping w/ my personal beliefs & view of what our country needs.
We have choices. We do not have to settle for the Media or Major party candidate. A third party candidate can win if people vote for him. We just have to believe that he can win.
For what it's worth
Ryan Nelson
Sunday, August 3, 2008
President Eyring in his book “Because he First Loved Us” tells of attending a meeting along side a fellow with impressively marked scriptures. This man had studied topics and marked each topic in a specific color w/ corresponding tabs at the edge of each page. After asking the Man to explain his system & reasoning Pre. Eyring found himself purchasing a new set of scriptures so that he too could effectively study specific topics. He continued, “ took more than a few days and more than a few prayers for me to know the topics that would open the scriptures anew for me.” He prepared himself than asked the Lord for the most beneficial focus of his time. Before beginning he like Matt chose what to think about and study. Could this be one of those things about which the Lord wants to tell us but cannot because we do not ask?
I believe that Matt was thinking deeper than he realized. Without direction it is hard to anticipate a destination. I hope to follow my son’s example & find more meaning in my study.
For What it’s Worth
The Soul's sincere desire
Prayer is the souls sincere desire, uttered or unexpressed.
How often in communication, particularly verbal communication, do we speak the unadulterated truth? Do we not many times put a little spin on our presentation? Without lying don’t we try to sell our position? Maybe you don’t implicitly trust those around you and so you protect yourself by not sharing or exposing your true feelings. In Prayer this posturing for protection & personal gain is absent. Our omnipotent Heavenly Father already knows the thoughts & intents of our heart. We cannot lie to or deceive him. Perfect prayer gives voice to our soul. It may be easier to do so in private. There it may be expressed out loud or through our thoughts & feelings. I find comfort in knowing that even when I cannot put words to my emotions the lord understands. The spirit communicates with emotions, that is why it speaks all languages to all peoples. The lord understands & speaks to our hearts. Imagine, if you can, being face to face with Jesus Christ. In that moment what is important? What are you thinking, feeling? Isn’t that your souls sincere desire? Try praying for that.
Prayer is the simplest form of speech that infant lips can try…
Complex wordy prayers mean, if anything, less to God than those humbly given. When was the last time you listened to a young child pray? In prayer as in speech they often surprise us with the things they say. There is no hypocrisy, no ego. They pray as they live, simply, honestly. This is yet another example of why it is necessary for us to become as little children.
Prayer is the contrite sinner’s voice returning from his ways,… While angles in their songs rejoice and cry, behold, he prays.
Because we are human & therefore somewhat less than perfect we all sin. The question therefore is not will we sin but how will we respond, how will we react? Will we seek to hide our wrongs? To cover them up? Will we turn from God, deny him in a vain attempt to avoid repentance? Or will we humble ourselves, acknowledge our dependence on the Lord and seek him in earnest prayer. Alma the younger upon rising from his 3 day slumber described his state as being in the gall of bitterness he later indicated that he was racked with eternal torment because of his sins. In this dark abyss he thought to cry unto God. He prayed, asking Jesus to have mercy on him. “And what joy and what marvelous light (he) did behold; yea “his” soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was “his” pain.” There are many stories of repentance but few are as poignant as that of Alma & the sons of Mosiah. Alma’s first act in repentance was to pray. That is where we must start. Ask for forgiveness, ask for support & comfort. Pleade with God that he will guide you in wisdoms’ paths.
O thou by whom we come to god, the life the truth the way, the path of prayer thyself hast trod; Lord teach us how to pray.
Teach us how to pray. How does he do that? Does he do that? We have his prayer as recorded in the bible for an example but is there something more than that? In 3 Nephi we read the account of Christ’s visit to America. He came & went for several days. On one of his visits he commanded the multitude to kneel down and that the disciples should pray. Christ then went a little way off & prayed for them, and thanked God for them. When he returned the apostles were still praying “and they did not multiply many words, for it was given unto them what they should pray….” Isn’t that intriguing? It was given them what they should pray. I think that is a great way to learn how to pray. Isn’t that how we all began anyhow, with someone older & more experienced whispering in our ear? The bible dictionary describes prayer as "the act by which the will of the Father & the will of the child are brought into correspondence with each other. The object of prayer is not to change the will of god but to secure for ourselves and for others the blessings that god is already willing to grant but that are made conditional on our asking." It sounds to me like earmarks are an eternal principle. The Lord has blessings held in reserve just waiting for us to ask the right question. So sometimes he helps us, he tells us, it can be given us what to say. Teach us, show us how to pray.
Prayer is the medium by which we are able to personally approach our loving father in heaven. We can speak to him, share with him our joys & sorrows. He listens and answers. Throughout his life Joseph Smith would turn to god in prayer to seek the help & guidance he needed. A church member recalled hearing him pray in Kirtland, Ohio, at a time of great personal difficulty: “never until then had I heard a man address his maker as though he was present listening as a kind father would listen to the sorrows of a dutiful child…. There was no ostentation, no raising of the voice as by enthusiasm, but a plain conversational tone, as a man would address a present friend. It appeared to me as though, in case the veil were taken away, I could see the lord standing facing his humblest of all servants I had ever seen.” I want to have that kind of a relationship with my Father and his son, my savior & eldest brother. The scriptures say that when he comes we shall see him as he is and we will know him because we will be like him. I do hope that that is the case. There is no better a man to emulate.
D&C 112:10 Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.
For What It’s Worth
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Eminent Men
This is a post that I have wanted to make for several weeks. Unlike many fleeting thoughts my ardor for this one has not dimmed with time. It comes as no surprise to most of you that I like to read. I grew up with most of my free (as well as a few stolen) moments consumed in a book. I love stories. In books I traveled the world. I crossed the plains, fought Indians, sailed ships and flew airplanes. I froze in Siberia and nearly died of thirst in the deserts of Arabia. As good as it was, and believe me it was great, my tastes seem to be changing. I read a reasonable story a few weeks ago. It was entertaining and avoided worldly evils. I was not however a better person for having spent the time. Kind of disappointing. In contrast I also recently read a book in which virtually every page lifts your thoughts and reestablishes the standard for personal excellence.
A series of 48 condensed biographies “The Other Eminent Men of Wilford Woodruff” by Vicky Jo Anderson, describes the lives and convictions of a surprising group of Christian men. Each chapter is about a different man who, along with our nation’s founding fathers, appeared to President Woodruff in the St. George Temple requesting that their work be done. The back of the book includes a list of the 70 Eminent Women (most of them the wives of eminent men) who requested the same service. It also includes excerpts from journals & discourses of Wilford Woodruff regarding the experience. These journals along with the temple records are the source for the list of men detailed in the book. They were a diverse group, poets, actors, soldiers, preachers, kings, congressmen, artists, explorers & scientists. Each of them men of courage, discipline and faith. Here are a few of my favorites.
Admiral David Glasgow Farragut – The first American to receive the title of “Admiral”. Farragut went to sea in his youth, he was given temporary command of a seized ship for the return voyage at just 13. He spent his entire life in the Navy. At 60 years old he was given command of eighty ships blockading southern ports during the Civil War. With 30 ships he was commanded to take the forts at Mobile Bay. His flagship in 3rd position they approached the torpedo line intending to follow the path of the blockade runners. The first ship sunk when it veered into the torpedo bed and the second in fear began to retreat nearly colliding w/ the flagship. In this precarious moment Admiral Farragut appealed to heaven for guidance asking “Shall I go on?” He said that he was answered “Go on!” God had spoken to him, and personal danger could not deter him. Shouting “Damn the torpedoes” (heard that before?) he urged his fleet ahead. Torpedoes bounced off the hull & primers snapped audibly, but there was no explosion. He took the forts and closed the last of the southern ports. More impressive still, he was a Virginian. He chose nation over neighbor. He & his family narrowly escaped Norfolk in the days following succession.
Thomas Johnathan “Stonewall” Jackson – Confederate General, shot by his own troops while reconnoitering the battlefield. This is one man I had actually heard of prior to reading the book. I knew him as a determined defender, a leader who inspired devotion & sacrifice from his troops. What I did not know was how he did it. He was a very religious man. He read regularly from the bible & caused that churches were built for his soldiers to worship in. He did not require participation but given that he & General Lee were regulars the services were well attended. He taught his men to pray, and pray from the heart. Prior to the war he proposed that the nation unite in prayer that the war may be avoided. I am not sure that kind of unity has even yet been achieved. Jackson’s only defeat came under orders from superiors. After each victory he would write in his report , “God blessed our arms with victory.” He was a formidable military man and a superior leader. Personal opinion God took him so the North could win.
My clear favorite from the book was Thomas Chalmers. A Scottish preacher, he conducted an experiment upon his parish. For the better part of 12 years he reviled against the evil and immoral practices of society, yet he experienced very little change in the disposition of his flock. “I am not sensible that all the vehemence with which I urged the virtues and the proprieties of social life had the weight of a feather on the moral habits of my parishioners.” It was not until he preached “the free offer of forgiveness through the blood of Christ” that significant lasting change was made in peoples lives. As he prepared to leave his parish he told them that “You have at least taught me that to preach Christ is the only effective way of preaching morality in all its branches.” A profound lesson, I intend to learn from his experience.
I loved this book!
For what it is worth.
Goodly Parents
I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days.
Due in no small part to repeated attempts at diligence in reading the book of Mormon this verse is as familiar to us as any in scripture. Despite the familiarity I would be surprised if a fair number of us do any more than scan quickly over it as we plow into the initial pages of the book. This is a mistake. Every verse has meaning and the first verse is no exception. The phrase “having been born of goodly parents” communicates that they were kind and compassionate parents, that they respected and loved their children and that Nephi, at least, felt the same for them. Lehi & Saria where good parents, they tried to provide for and protect their children. Nephi also indicates that because they were “goodly parents, therefore (he) was taught somewhat in ALL the learning of (his) father;”.
This is not a solitary reference to Book of Mormon fathers teaching their sons. Enos thanked his father by saying, (Enos 1:1) “my father… taught me in his language, and also in the nurture and admonition of the Lord—and blessed be the name of my God for it….” Initially he did not pay much attention to spiritual things but he learned enough that when his heart was ready he knew where to turn. Procrastination earned him a wrestle with the Lord. Alma the younger like wise disregarded the teachings of his father and even went about “seeking to destroy the church of God”. He too had a wrestle with the Lord, he described the experience to his son Helaman as “being wracked with eternal torment… I did remember all my sins and iniquities, for which I was tormented with the pains of hell; yea, I saw that I had rebelled against my God, and that I had not kept his holy commandments.” In this forsaken state he remembered at length the words of his father. He remembered to have heard his father speak concerning the coming of Jesus Christ, the son of God, to atone for the sins of the world. It was not only his fathers fasting and prayers that saved Alma, it was also lessons oft repeated to one who would not hear. In some cases we may never know the net effect of our efforts.
Another scriptural example of parental teaching was King Benjamin. He loved his sons (Mosiah 1:2 (2-8)) “And he caused that they should be taught in all the language of his fathers, that thereby they might become men of understanding; and that they might know concerning the prophecies…And many more things did king Benjamin teach his sons.” Mormon likewise “began to be learned” at an early age. It was a priority for scriptural Prophets to teach their children. I suggest that, any parent who wishes to prepare their child for the future will provide for more than their immediate needs of food, clothing & shelter. We have heard before the statement that, “if you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.” Think about how that principle applies to children. If we give them everything we deprive them not only of the satisfaction which comes from a job well done but of the knowledge needed for independence. We need to prepare them physically as well as spiritually. These requisite secular lessons are what I believe is meant by Lehi teaching ALL things or Benjamin teaching many more things. Teach them life skills, how to keep house, to cook, to grow a garden. Teach them how to do the simple physical things someone taught you. Or even better teach them the stuff you learned on your own. Times spent together anxiously engaged in a good cause endear them to you & you to them. While thus engaged opportunities to teach the gospel spontaneously, naturally occur. Watch for them and teach eternal truths.
Lehi evidently taught these truths. Nephi did not complain when asked to leave Jerusalem, he did not question when twice required to return and he was sufficiently well acquainted with the workings of the spirit to be lead “not knowing before hand the things which (he) should do.” These lessons where taught by Lehi, not a primary teacher or youth leader. The primary responsibility for gospel instruction resides with the parents. In the October Conference of 2005 Elder M. Russell Ballard said, “Teach the gospel and basic values in your home. …Too many of our parents are abdicating this responsibility to the Church. While seminary, auxiliaries, and priesthood quorums are important as a supplement to parental gospel instruction, the main responsibility rests in the home.”
From his tower King Benjamin instructed us to (Mosiah 4:14&15) “teach them to walk in the ways of truth and soberness; ... teach them to love one another, and to serve one another.”
Alma the Younger directs his son Helaman regarding what to teach the people in Alma 37:32-34, “…teach them an everlasting hatred against sin and iniquity. Preach unto them repentance, and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ; teach them to humble themselves and to be meek and lowly in heart; teach them to withstand every temptation of the devil, with their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. Teach them to never be weary of good works, but to be meek and lowly in heart; for such shall find rest to their souls.” Brothers and sisters we like Alma & Enos know where to turn for peace. In the Gospel we have the answers to life’s most persistent questions. We know why we are here and where we are going. We even know a little about what it will be like. We understand Gods plan for us. Wouldn’t it be a shame to loose this knowledge between generations? In many ways the extent to which we live the gospel, attend our meetings and serve others will determine how deeply these same principles sink into the hearts and souls of our children.
On September 23 1995 the First Presidency & Quorum of the Twelve Apostles published “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”. Regarding this proclamation President Henry B. Eyring said that, “Since the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the Prophet Joseph Smith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has issued a proclamation only four times. It had been more than 15 years since the previous one,… Thus, we can understand the importance our Heavenly Father places upon the family, the subject of the fifth and most recent proclamation…” An apostolic proclamation is not something to be treated lightly, please listen carefully. It reads in part,
“Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. …Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations. …Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.”
In these few sentences we are instructed as to our duty, reminded of our accountability and given the principles by which we will succeed.
Think back with me once more to King Benjamin. He demonstrated one other parental principle that I wish to share, endurance. In Mosiah 1:9 we read, “And it came to pass that after king Benjamin had made an end of teaching his sons, that he waxed old, and he saw that he must very soon go the way of all the earth…” I believe he taught well into his retirement. He spent his whole life teaching his sons. To teach our children is not a responsibility with a finish line. As they mature our influence lessens but there are still lessons to be learned and times to teach. Deuteronomy 6:6-9 speaks about teaching children the word of the Lord, “And these words… shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." In all that we do we are always teaching, with even our last breath.
Scripturally it is a common occurrence for a world weary father, ready to pass on, to gather his children around him for final council and a blessing. I love these passages of scripture. Lehi’s pleadings for Laman & Lemuel to “arise from the dust & be men”, Alma’s reproach of Corianton & praise for Shiblon, his council to Helaman to teach the people “…an everlasting hatred against sin.” Or Mormon & Moroni, can you imagine what their last moments together must have been like? What council & wisdom passed from father to son on that day? Now I look forward fondly to a long life and many opportunities to teach my children. If however I were forced to give one final lesson, to teach one last thing I would say this; I Love Jesus Christ. He is my personal Savior. I trust him. I trust my Father in Heaven. I know that they have a plan for us, for me. I love the Book of Mormon. I love the characters, the stories. I am grateful for the understanding of eternal truths contained therin. The scriptures are true. The atonement is real, it works. We, weak and imperfect as we are, can be purified through Christ’s sacrifice and suffering. Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of God. Through him Christ restored his church & his priesthood. By virtue of this power & authority our family is sealed together. We are an eternal family and will be together forever if we are individually humble enough to accept Christ, to let him into our hearts & souls. If we can subdue the natural man & submit our whole soul, our every whim to the will of the Father we will be saved. Stay close to the Lord, Pray, seek for the companionship of the holy ghost. Love and support, help one another. But most of all my family, know that I love you. I always will.
President Monson has said,
“To you who are parents, I say, show love to your children. You know you love them, but make certain they know it as well. They are so precious. Let them know. Call upon our Heavenly Father for help as you care for their needs each day and as you deal with the challenges which inevitably come with parenthood. You need more than your own wisdom in rearing them."
I pray that we may all live worthy of the designation “goodly parents” that we may each & all be forever families.
For what it's worth
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
God's Country
If you would have asked me 15 years ago what my life would be like up till now I am not sure how I’d have answered. I do not believe that I would have predicted multiple moves landing in Utah County. Our married time in Cedar seemed brief yet turbulent. The time in Wellington was taken entirely for granted. We did not recognize until we left how deeply we had come to love our friends and neighbors. I don’t know if or when the vacant hole in our hearts will ever be filled. Thankfully some of those loved ones are willing to keep up a long distance relationship & have become even more dear. I don’t know how many of those I am thinking about today will ever see this but to all of you who touched our lives, by loving us, accepting us & just being you, thank you. You may never know how much it meant. You are all in our prayers. (Mormon 8:3)
“…We learned that God’s Country isn’t in the country. It is in the mind. As we look back we knew that all the time we was hunting for God’s Country we had it. We worked hard. We was loyal. Honest. We was happy. For 48 years we lived in God’s Country.”
Find peace with what we have & where we are, physically as well as spiritually, & we will be happy.
For What It’s Worth
Monday, May 5, 2008
“…as if ye were present…”
My intention here is not to try & identify living Gadiantons, only to establish the likelihood of their contemporary existence, that we may be watchful & “suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above (us)…to (our) overthrow and destruction…” (Ether 8:23). In my brief study I found both method & motive. The desire of these people is “to get gain”, “to be praised of men”, to commit whoredoms & all sorts of evil contrary to the laws of man & God, “to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations and countries” all that they might have power. (Helaman 2:8, 6:23, 7:21, Mormon 8:40, Ether 8: 15-16, 23, 25, 11:15 & Moses 6:15) They want to be in control, to rule over everything & everyone around them. There is no humility, only selfishness & greed. Their specific methods described by scripture (surely not an all inclusive list) are murder, thievery, plunder & to bear false witness. (Helaman 2:8, 6:17,21,23) They would certainly be capable of doing anything which might in anyway further their self indulgent cause. This mode of operation is routinely followed by evil of all calibers & description, hence my misplaced label. But does it seem likely that the most powerful Gadiantons will be content with petty turf wars for domination of a few city blocks when by using similar methods they can control entire governments(Helaman 6:39) & thereby nations? Satan’s desires, make no mistake he is the author of all secret combinations, have never been minor league. Right from the beginning he sought to take all power & glory. His modern minions surely harbor the same ambition.
“And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold, they shall be destroyed…”(Ether 8:22) Moroni indicates that these combinations brought about the destruction of both the Jaredites & the Nephites.(Ether 8:21) We have a responsibility, a command that “when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you” (Ether 8:24). I believe that we have a duty to be watchful, to be aware, to fight evil wherever & and in whatever form we find it. A lone individual has a limited sphere of influence, however united we can stem the tide of evil & complacency which threatens to overwhelm our great nation. I hope that there are modern Moronis, we need men & women of his stature to once again raise a standard of liberty. A lesser know though no less valiant hero of the Book of Mormon was Pahoran Chief Judge of the Nephite nation, I close with his words, (Alma 61:14)
“Therefore, my beloved brother, Moroni, let us resist evil, and whatsoever evil we cannot resist with our words, yea, such as rebellions and dissensions, let us resist them with our swords, that we may retain our freedom, that we may rejoice in the great privilege of our church, and in the cause of our Redeemer and our God.”
For what it’s worth
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Dear Conservative America
What do we do? Our nation is in distress. The value of our dollar is in a tailspin. We have promised aid & borrowed so much from foreign nations that we owe nearly the sum total of our gross national product. If the Federal Government was held to the same rules of finance that we are individually, it would & therefore we would be bankrupt. Look it up. Don’t believe the politicians who gloss over or problems as if we are unable to handle or not entitled to the truth. How long can we continue in error? We do not have money for social security, Medicare, nationally funded health care, or education let alone a foreign policy which costs millions every day. The recent tax rebates are giving us money that they don’t have, thus increasing the debt. Overspending will never solve our economic woes. I cannot borrow my way out of debt and neither can the government. Although we may stall a recession we cannot avoid it & the more debt we accrue, the weaker the dollar gets the worse & harder the recovery will be.
In this election year we must consider who can best address this unavoidable issue. McCain has been educated on economics by the same institution that got us into this mess. He does not have a prayer of a chance to solve this, our nations most pressing problem & neither do the other democrats (just look at his voting record he is more democrat than republican). The only hope for America is truly Ron Paul. Laugh if you like but truth is truth & he is the only candidate speaking openly about our situation. He is the only one with a plan that may actually fix the economy. He can still win. Less than 30% of Americans vote in Primary elections & less than 15% attend their Caucus meetings. Those who go will get their candidate elected. Go to your caucus & vote to save our nation. Vote Ron Paul.
For what it’s worth
Ryan Nelson
Monday, February 18, 2008
The McCain Bandwagon, a Lost Cause
The deciding vote will be cast for or against the war & our current absurd foreign policy. Roughly 60% of Americans are dissatisfied with the war in Iraq and believe that we should bring our troops home. Coincidentally primary / caucus exit polls indicate that approximately 60% of voters voted Democratic. Why is that? It is because the leading Republicans profess a 100 year commitment to an unconstitutional war. Republicans will not gain the Presidency with a pro war platform. A vote for McCain is a wasted vote. He cannot win.
The only hope, slim as it may be, for conservative America is Ron Paul. He seems radical only because the party majority has slipped so far from its intended course of constitutionally based limited government, free trade & personal liberty. Ron Paul is the only republican candidate whose platform is capable of beating the democrats, sound, clear economic answers & a plan to bring our troops home. Dr. Paul is the only candidate from either party w/ a vision of and desire for real change. He is still in the race, nothing has yet been decided. Most of the delegates have not yet been awarded. The Utah republican caucus will be held on March 25th. Unless Ron Paul gets the Republican nomination the democrats will win the presidency. STAND UP and make your voice heard.
For what it’s worth
Sources –
Total votes cast in primaries
Bring our troops home
Public opinion on the economy
Saturday, February 2, 2008
In Brief

"The probibility that we may fall in the struggle ought not deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just." - Abraham Lincoln

"There are no easy answers... but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know to be morally right." - Ronald Regan

"No man is worth his salt who is not ready at all times to risk his well-being, to risk his body, to risk his life, in a great cause." - Teddy Roosevelt

"Never give in ... never, never, never, never, in nothng great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense." - Winston Churchill
Difficult times & chalenging circumstances force us dig deep & find strength within to overcome. Great men are not produced by an easy life. The strongest amoung us grow slowly through adversity then rise to meet the challenge. I frequently wonder, will I be enough?
For what it's worth
Remember the Alamo (Politics part two)
Remember Sam Houston, the guy who left the Alamo to go for reinforcements but did not return on time to save the mission or her defenders. Soon thereafter Houston did beat Santa Ana & win independence for Texas. Sam Houston was her first president. When Texas was admitted into the Union Houston became a Congressman in the turbulent years leading up to Lincoln’s presidency & the Civil War. During this time of political turmoil, in spite of opposition from all sides Houston never waivered in his support of the Union. He once stated “think you, sir, after the difficulties Texans have encountered to get into the Union, that you can whip her out of it? No, sir… we shed our blood to get into it… We were among the last to come into the Union, and being in, we will be the last to get out. … (We) must stand firm to the Union, regardless of all personal consequences.” This was not a popular opinion for the representative of a Southern slave state. Public opinion gradually grew until he & his unionist views where voted out of Congress. He returned to Texas & somehow got elected as Governor where he continued to speak in favor of the Union. Here to he was eventually forced out as Texas succeeded. In his last official message as Governor he said “I am stricken down because I will not yield those principles which I have fought for…. The severest pang is that the blow comes in the name of the state of Texas.”
In like manner Thomas Hart Benton, the first Senator from Missouri, fought ferociously for the union while watching a 30 year career wither and die. As the battle lines began to form, dividing the North & South Benton found himself a vocal supporter of the Union representing a slave state. Like Houston Benton refused to change his mind or temper his tongue about the need for unity & reconciliation. Early in his life he determined that “if it should ever become necessary, for the good of the country, (I) would sacrifice (my) own political existence.” That is exactly what he did. He would not remain silent even to retain the seat he loved for future battles. Neither of these great men wavered in the defense of their beliefs. They would not compromise their values. They lived lives of integrity, courage & valor.
Compromise is a necessary & beneficial part of government. Rarely would anything ever be accomplished without it because whole hearted agreement among large groups is impossible. There is clearly a time for compromise. It is not however the right answer for every quarrel.
When the issue in question concerns revealed truths any compromise is wrong.
Revealed truths are principles and instruction given by God. The constitution is reveled truth. The scriptures contain revealed truth. The family proclamation is clear succinct revealed truth. Although we cannot force our beliefs on anyone our laws, leaders and government practices should be representative of the majority’s belief system. My personal liberty ends as soon as it infringes on someone else’s right to do the same. The problem we face today is that our judicial system has been so concerned with maintaining the rights of vocal special interest groups that many of these revealed truths have been compromised. A city no longer has a right to display evidence of Christian belief. We cannot pray in school. There is a movement to remove all reference to God from our Government, from our money, our pledge, everywhere. Abortion (Murder) is legal and homosexuality rewarded but if I stand up and speak out against the injustices of our government I can be named “an enemy combatant” and be stripped of my rights. I find it offensive that my beliefs, the majority’s beliefs, take second seat to a relative handful of vocal antichrists. Even more abrasive are those Christians who allow this to happen in the name of fair & equitable government. What ever happened to majority rule? Compromise happened. In an effort to resolve dissonant voices we have allowed minority beliefs to infringe on the revealed truths upheld by the majority.
Any compromise moves us away from truth. It dose not matter if we give a little or a lot me move away from our sure foundation. In compromise Satan always wins. He is just as intent on bringing down our government & stealing away or freedoms as he is on breaking up our families. Compromise enough and pretty soon the intent of the Constitutions is misread as individual freedom at the expense of the community. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral & religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other” - John Adams. We have compromised entirely too often. The general population has relinquished too much to minority rule. We need moral leaders who will fight to regain & maintain our God given rights; Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We need people who understand public virtue, the act of sacrificing oneself in favor of the public good. We are all entirely too selfish.
Voting for the lesser of evils is compromise, in doing so we distort the voters’ true desire. Morally we cannot expect more of our leaders than of ourselves. If we expect government officials to vote their conscience then we have to do likewise. Anything less would be hypocritical. Our form of elected government functions best when the elected officials truly represent the wishes & ideas of their constituents. “Now, it is not common that the voice of the people desireth anything contrary to that which is right; but it is common for the lesser part of the people to desire that which is not right; therefore this shall ye observe and make it you law – to do your business by the voice of the people” (Mosiah 29:26 , (25-29)). If we do not vote our conscience than how do we express the goodness that is in our hearts? How can the right man get elected if we persist in lowering our standards for fear of casting an ineffectual vote? The only meaningless vote is the one not cast. A vote for the party leader will be but one of many. A vote for the best man will always be significant, if only to oneself.
In 20 years Ron Paul’s record is consistent, predictable. He always votes against tax increase in any form. He always advocates smaller national government. He votes for fiscal responsibility. He consistently defends personal liberty and cries for a return to old fashion constitutional principles. He is a man of integrity who like Benton & Houston is not afraid to follow his conscience. He is very electable all he needs is your vote.
Ron Paul, The only “HOPE for AMERICA”
For what it is worth
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Politics part 1
In most locations across America it is an accepted fact that our system of government has deteriorated. Just how far it has drifted is the only real discussion. Few of us believe that our national leaders truly have our best interests at heart. Too often I, like so many others, worry that they sell out my interests in favor of a higher bidder or louder voice, whatever it takes for another term in office. It is easy to sink into despair, to accept what the media feeds us as the whole story & allow someone else to determine the course for our country. But there is hope. There is finally a candidate who has real plans for real change. Smaller Government , more liberty & more freedom.
A prominent TV talk show host encourages couples to fight fair, don’t allow yourselves to get caught up in topics. Identify & stick to the real issue. Topics generally stem from issues. Multiple topics can be solved by addressing one central issue. When applying this concept to the Presidential primary race we find that there are several topics but few issues being discussed and even fewer candidates willing to address them. In fact, the only issue I hear about is the growing gulf between our laws & the Constitution. Think about it, most of the sound bites we hear are topics addressed by the Constitution & even if an item is not specifically mentioned it is covered by this phrase; “powers not delegated to the united states by the Constitution, … are reserved to the states respectively,…”
Not long ago I read somewhere about the rise of the third reich in Europe & how it effected the Jews. At first all they had to do was carry with them their personal identification papers that progressed to a 5 pointed star forcibly worn as a sign of inferiority. Later they were taken to work camps, branded with an ID number & eventually lead to the gas chamber. The story pointed out that there was apparently little resistance, particularly in the early stages when a small effort could have made a huge difference. Right here in America, land of the free, a personal ID card, with not only a barcode & picture but a tiny micro chip, will be required at all federal inspection stations as of May 2008. Airports, post offices & other federal buildings will have limited access to unidentified citizens. The FDA has also approved a small chip & transmitter for insertion under the skin. Now we don’t have to worry about losing or leaving our ID & big brother can track us 24/7. So now…. which line do I stand in for my yellow star?
Despite the fact that the Constitution clearly states that “The Congress shall have power to … regulate Commerce with foreign Nations… to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign Coin,” President Bush with out Congressional approval, signed an agreement with Canada & Mexico effectively dissolving our borders. By agreeing to the future formation of the North American Union, the use of a monetary unit called the amero & allowing the Union to tax us, he has at the very least abdicated our fiscal autonomy & probably more.
The Patriot Act was pushed through Congress in one night. The Congressmen had the 300 page document for less than 12 hours before they were required to vote. Does that smell fishy to anyone else? What is in it that Congress was not supposed to read about? The Patriot act is in reality very unpatriotic, it abolishes Habeas Corpus rights, it authorizes torture & allows a captive to be held with out trial. Is this American? Presidential Candidates give sixty second speeches about a variety of things why don’t we hear about stuff like this?
The issue is abuse & disregard for the Constitution by our leaders & apathy as Americans. Everything else is diversionary discussion which keeps us agitated & focused on single topics. We will never fix what is wrong with our Nation one topic at a time we have to address the issues. It is time for more than a change of face; we need something other than a new poster child for big business. We need a statesman instead of a just another politician. A statesman votes his conscience consistently. He is not beholding to any man let alone a corporation or special interest group. He fights for the best interest of his nation even when it is inconvenient for his state. For the first time in generations there is a Statesman running for President. There is a chance for serious change, for reformation.
All the candidates have made some claim about being the one able to deliver change. Only one of them is brave enough to speak truth about these and other issues. Only one of them can actually begin to make a change. He is the only one who sees a need for real change.
The question is not “will the nation endure?” The question is how far down will it go before the people wake up. The longer they wait the further down it goes and the greater will be our problem. If we don’t wake up soon enough only blood – human blood – will buy it back. (Reportedly spoken by President Ezra Taft Benson)
All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Where do you stand?
Ron Paul for President 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Defining Moments
My earliest recollection of such a moment was an evening at home with my family. I must have been 10 or 12 years old, we were gathered in my parents’ room and I was lounging on the floor alongside their bed with everyone else either on the bed or near me on the floor. Although I don’t remember just what was asked, I do remember it being a question regarding testimony & how we know the church is true. The clearest part of this memory is my emotional response that “I don’t know how I know, I just do.” I remember fondly the warm pleasant confirmation that accompanied the teenage embarrassment associated with exposing my soul. I also recall a few years later sitting on a pool table in the back of a large common room at the hotel where we held that years youth conference. One of the speakers instructed us as to the powerful influence of music on our minds & lives. Sometime in the same meeting reference was made to Job & his suffering. His testimony was quoted “though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.” (Job 19:26) As I repeated those words tears filled my eyes & the spirit taught me more than any guest speaker about the truthfulness of that statement. I knew then that I will indeed be resurrected & in this body be brought to stand before God the Father & Jesus Christ to be judged.
I never questioned weather or not I would serve a mission, not going really was not an option. I had a testimony unproven as it was & I had been taught that a mission is what young men of faith do. If you believe, if you have received a witness that God lives, that Joseph Smith was a Prophet, that he restored the true church of Jesus Christ to the earth and, translated the Book of Mormon then you serve. My belief in what qualifies one for service has not changed. If you acknowledge Christ as your Savior a desire to serve comes naturally.
Knowing that a mission was the right thing to do did not make it easy. I went to sleep many nights on a pillow wet with my own tears. These times of intense emotion brought me closer to my Savior & allowed me to experience, maybe for the first time, the comforting power of the Holy Ghost. I grew to trust the Lords hand in my life. The most poignant was afternoon in Zaragotha, my easy going companion was content to spend an hour at the church waiting for a ward activity. Normally I would not have been opposed to this as it was winter & the other option was street contacts, which are rarely productive & not much fun even in the best of weather. On this particular day however I was terribly agitated & could not hold still. I wanted to be out on the street, I felt like there was someone we needed to meet. At length my companion consented under duress to accompany me back out on the streets for a few more minutes wasted in the cold. So we walked. After about 45 minutes of aimless wandering we headed back to the ward activity, I still had not felt inclined to approach anyone & I was becoming frustrated. Finally in desperation I attempted to stop a thin blond woman hurrying in the opposite direction. In answer to my equally hurried & less than perfect introduction of who were & what we intended she blithely answered that “I know who you are & where you meet, I will come by tonight” at which she continued on her way. Neither I nor my calloused companion believed for an instant that she would be a woman of her word. So in defeat we returned to the chapel without making much of an effort for additional contacts. I was sure that I had somehow failed again to meet the Lords expectations of me, or so I thought. Midway though that evening’s activity the unexpected happened, SHE CAME! Maria Luisa was baptized 2 weeks later. The Lord does work miracles through the “weak things of the world” and “by small & simple means.” My mission was a defining spiritual experience.
Children require change. Your life changes from the first moment you see hold & hear them. Very little is ever the same again. Meals are different, the home is different. Silence becomes a coveted rarity & sleep, a cherished dream. Yet I could not be happier. I love each of my children in ways impossible to express. There was a night 5 or 6 years ago when the power of God was directly manifest in our home. Nearly eight months pregnant Tammie awoke in pain. Her water had broken 6 weeks early. Due in large part to the subsequent blessing Curt came to us unharmed. I have never been more grateful for the priesthood & Gods willingness to bless & protect my family than I was that night.
The Lord continues to show me mercy by touching my life with his love. There will yet be defining moments in my future. These times are when significant spiritual growth occurs. The Lord loves us to much to abandon us on an eternal plateau.
Alma the younger once exclaimed “Oh that I were an angel & could have the wish of mine heart.” Alma wanted to speak with the voice of God, to cry repentance unto all men every where & bring souls unto Christ. He wanted to share the joy in his heart. I too wish to share the admiration, gratitude & love in my heart. I want you to know, to feel, that I have a testimony of Christ, that I love him. I trust him & that although I too often cause cloudy communication he does answer my prayers, even those as yet unspoken. He speaks & teaches while I try to listen & obey.
Jesus Christ lives, today. There is grandeur in that statement. He lives! The resurrection happened, it is for real. Jesus suffered & died on the cross. For three days his body lay in a borrowed tomb while he organized missionary work among the dead & then he reunited his body & spirit perfect for ever. Because he did this I too will be resurrected. Born to Mary his mortal mother he is the only direct physical offspring of God the Father. Christ was therefore a God in the flesh. His life is the perfect example of how we should live, act & serve. He is “the way the truth & the life.” His way is the only way, all that we may achieve on earth means nothing if we do not allow our will, or desires to be swallowed up in his. His way is the only way. Anything else will in the end be meaningless. He was tempted beyond what any mortal man could have withstood; he knows well what it is to be buffeted by Satan & how it feels to be left alone with out the spirit. In spite of this he fulfilled his mission. He knew what was in store for him, he knew the suffering & pain that awaited. Fully aware of the task at hand, he first asked if there was no other way, said he, “if it be possible let this cup pass from me” and then the words which show his faith, his commitment, his character, “not as I will, but as thou wilt.” The most powerful man ever to walk the face of the earth was also the most humble.
Hymns have always been a conduit to my heart for gospel truths. You will recognize these next phrases; they are verses that have touched me, truths that have reached my heart or expressions of testimony. “I believe in Christ; he is my King! With all my heart to him I’ll sing”, “He lives! All glory to his name! He lives, my Savior still the same. Oh sweet, the joy this sentence gives: I know that my Redeemer lives!”, “And when I think that God, his Son not sparing, sent him to die, I scarce can take it in, that on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, he bled and died to take away my sin. Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee, how great thou art, how great thou art.”, “The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes. That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.”, “I need thee, oh I need thee, every hour I need thee! Oh bless me know my savior, I come to thee.”
It pains me to know that I contributed to his agony. His suffering was bad enough without my stupid mistakes. He chose to suffer for me, for me. God cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. Zero tolerance. Absolute perfection is the standard. I fail to attain such a level of performance. I am considerably less than perfect. Even as we progress beyond sins of commission and more clearly recognize our responsibilities as sons & daughters of God, we become accountable for the things we don’t do & even for our attitude in doing. “Oh how great the nothingness of the children of men; yea, even they are less than the dust of the earth.” (Helaman 12:7) The dust obeys every time, do I?
Because I do not, it was “expedient that a an atonement should be made ; for according to the great plan of the Eternal God there must be an atonement made or else all mankind must unavoidably perish; yea, all are hardened ; yea, all are fallen and are lost, and must perish except it be through the atonement…. For it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice … an infinite and eternal sacrifice.”(Alma 34:9&10) Jesus Christ was that sacrifice. In Gethsemane he bore the punishment for every sin & wrong doing of every person who ever came to earth. “Which suffering caused (Christ) the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit – and would that (he)might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink-” ( D&C 19:18). I am humbled by his action. His personal sacrifice allows Jesus to intercede on my behalf with the father. Because justice has been served Father can extend me the mercy I so desperately require. Because Jesus Christ has already accepted the punishment for my sins I can be redeemed & live forever with my family, in the presence of God. This is my ultimate goal, Life Eternal, to live forever with God.
There is nothing save denial of the Holy Ghost for which I may not be forgiven. The Love of God, the charity which Christ has for me, expressed Gethsemane & on the cross, guarantees me a place in heaven if I but do one thing, Come unto Christ, accept his offering, his gift. To do so I must repent & rededicate myself to more fully keep his commands, to “rise from the dust”. When I stumble, fall or fail all I must do is come unto Christ & once again rededicate myself to keeping his commands. The price has already been paid, the blood spilt. I love Jesus Christ. He is my personal Savior. I must not let his suffering be in vain.
For what it's worth.